Kidz USA was born in 2002 to create a holiday toy drive for children by children. The young children of founder and creator Ana Steigerwald asked their mommy if they could give some of their new Christmas gifts to children who could not be home for the holidays, but in the hospital. Being that her eldest remembered a visit to then Children's Hospital of San Diego (currently Rady's Children Hospital).
With a mother's pride of her child's request, Ana reached out to her husband Tony (Founder of Dunhill Insurance) and the Gillispie Children's School for support. Everyone was on board, thus beginning their annual holiday toy drive -- collecting new unwrapped toys and delivering them to Rady's Children's Hospital.
The experience is now an unforgettable experience for both children and adults. The children wave goodbye with eagerness for next year's toy drive.
· Click here to view the Rady's Approval Letter
· Click here to view Kidz USA featured in Rady's Newsletter